Friday, July 26, 2024

7th Chinese Costume Festival Blends Hanfu Tradition & Modern Style

The Chinese Costume Festival, under the theme “Ancient Charm, Modern Style,” successfully merged traditional Hanfu attire with contemporary fashion trends. Hosted by the China National Silk Museum, this seventh annual event aimed to showcase the timeless elegance and grace of Chinese cultural practices. Attendees enjoyed a variety of activities, including exhibition hall tours, thematic lectures, and artifact appreciation sessions, highlighting traditional etiquette and artifact research. Scholars from China and abroad shared their latest research findings, enriching the festival with valuable insights.

One of the highlights of this year’s festival was the introduction of new activities such as the “Silk Road Adventure” game and the “Fashion Red Carpet,” allowing participants to immerse themselves in the beauty of Hanfu attire. The Hanfu Night and Yinhan Forum focused on modernizing Hanfu wear, with renowned performance teams presenting fashion shows that combined traditional designs with contemporary fashion elements. The event also featured a handicraft market, a flash dance, book launches, and other engaging activities to complement the main program.

In a bid to expand its reach globally, the Chinese Costume Festival collaborated with Marburg and Düsseldorf in Germany for a multi-city initiative, engaging Hanfu enthusiasts from various regions in a celebration of Chinese traditional culture. Ji Xiaofen, director of the China National Silk Museum, emphasized the importance of blending tradition with modern elegance in Hanfu wear. She described Hanfu as a reflection of China’s rich traditional culture and the unique aesthetic sensibilities of the Chinese people. Ji Xiaofen also highlighted the evolving opportunities for how Hanfu can be styled and expressed in today’s fashion landscape.

The festival was live-streamed on major domestic platforms, attracting over 3.3 million viewers and generating significant interest in Chinese cultural heritage. By showcasing the beauty and versatility of Hanfu attire, the event successfully bridged the gap between traditional practices and contemporary fashion trends, resonating with audiences both in China and abroad. The fusion of “Ancient Charm” with “Modern Style” proved to be a winning formula, reinforcing the relevance of traditional cultural artifacts in today’s society.

For more information and updates, visit the official website of the China National Silk Museum. Experience the magic of the Chinese Costume Festival and immerse yourself in the world of Hanfu tradition, transformed for the modern age.

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